Monday, January 27, 2025

Solid State Physics (SSP)

SOLID STATE PHYSICS MODULE I CRYSTAL STRUCTURE AND BONDING General Description of Crystal Structures – Bravais lattices- Wigner Seitz cellCubic Structures: NaCl, CsCl, Diamond, Zincblende - HCP structures - Miller Indices-crystal directions - zones in crystals- interplanar distance (derivation) - The Reciprocal Lattice and its construction-Quasi crystals -Force between atoms cohesive energy ( derivation)- bonding in solids - binding energy of ionic crystals(derivation)-Madelung constant – Born Haber cycle. MODULE II TRANSPORT PROPERTIES AND BAND THEORY OF SOLIDS Free electron theory (Sommerfeld theory) – Fermi level-Fermi distribution function -electronic specific heat- electrical and thermal conductivity of metals Wiedemann Franz law (derivation)- Schroedinger wave equation- electron motion in periodic potential – Bloch’s theorem – Kronig Penney model (derivation) - band theory of solids - Brillouin zone - Effective mass of electron and concept of hole- Fermi surface in metals and its characteristics – experimental determination of Fermi surface by De Haas van Alphen effect MODULE III PHONONS : CRYSTAL VIBRATIONS AND THERMAL PROPERTIES Vibrations of crystals with monoatomic lattice- dispersion relation (derivation) - Vibrations of crystals with diatomiclattice - dispersion relation (derivation)– optical and acoustical modes – number of normal modes of vibrations - Phonon momentum- inelastic scattering of photons by phonons – specific heat of solids- Einstein theory-Debye's theory of lattice specific heat(derivation) - anharmonic effects. MODULE IV MAGNETIC AND DIELECTRIC PROPERTIES Types of magnetic materials –Diamagnetism – Langevin's theory(derivation)- Paramagnetism – Hund’s rules – rare earth ions-iron group ions-crystal field splitting-Pauli paramagnetism- Ferromagnetism – domain theory - Curie-Weiss law (derivation)- antiferromagnetism - ferrites. Dielectric Polarization and polarizability- dielectric constant- types of polarization (qualitative) and dependence on frequency and temperature-local electric field in an atom- ClausiusMossottirelation(derivation) -Piezo, pyro and ferroelectric properties of crystals. MODULE V SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND OPTICAL PROPERTIES Properties of superconductor – critical magnetic field – Meissner effect (derivation) – Type I and Type II super conductors – superfludidty – entropy, heat capacity and energy gap of superconductor-quantum tunneling - London equations (derivation) –coherence length - BCS theory –RVB theory – theory of AC and DC Josephson effect – flux quantization- SQUID. Traps – Excitons – coloration of crystals - types of colour centers - Luminescence: fluorescence and phosphorescence

Monday, November 18, 2024

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Nuclear Advocacy Programme-2023 at ICTP, Trieste, Italy

International Visits • Participated on invitation in the Global Nuclear Advocacy programme organized by the International Centre for Theoretical Physics(ICTP) at Trieste, Italy -“Increasing dangers of Nuclear weapons: How physicists can reduce the threat” during 22 October – 25 October 2023 Follow up activity after my visit to ICTP, Italy: As a follow up of my visit to ICTP, Trieste, Italy, an open elective course with 5 modules was developed, under the Supervision of Dr.Juergen Altmann, Dortmund University, Germany and Dr. Stewart Prager, Princeton University, USA, to educate students on the dangers of nuclear weapons and their global threat. The course not only highlights the impact of nuclear weapons but also highlights the significant efforts by the United Nations towards arms control and global nuclear weapons reduction. Click on the link to explore the details about course:

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Learn Python codes for the rate of decay of atoms in radioactivity

 import math

def compute_quantity(N0, lambda_, T):

    N = N0 * math.exp(-lambda_ * T)

    return N

# Example usage:

N0 = 100  # Initial quantity

lambda_ = 0.1  # Decay constant

T = 5  # Time

result = compute_quantity(N0, lambda_, T)

print(f"N = {N0} * exp(-{lambda_} * {T}) = {result}")

Chart a python program for the quadratic type x^2-5x+6=0 findings its roots.

 import math

def solve_quadratic(a, b, c):

    # Calculate the discriminant

    discriminant = b**2 - 4*a*c


    if discriminant < 0:

        return "No real roots"

    elif discriminant == 0:

        # One real root

        root = -b / (2*a)

        return (root,)


        # Two real roots

        root1 = (-b + math.sqrt(discriminant)) / (2*a)

        root2 = (-b - math.sqrt(discriminant)) / (2*a)

        return (root1, root2)

# Coefficients for the equation x^2 - 5x + 6 = 0

a = 1

b = -5

c = 6

# Solve the equation

roots = solve_quadratic(a, b, c)

print(f"The roots of the equation {a}x^2 + ({b})x + {c} = 0 are: {roots}")

Learn a program for a series (1-x)^2

ef compute_expression(x):

    return (1 - x) ** 2

# Example usage:

x_value = 3

result = compute_expression(x_value)

print(f"(1 - {x_value})^2 = {result}")