CO2 Laser

Modes of vibration of CO2
molecules :
In this mode, the
carbon atom and oxygen atoms are in the same plane and oxygen atoms
vibrate along the axis of the molecule.

In this mode, the
oxygen atoms vibrate asymmetrically with carbon atom . When oxygen atoms move
in one direction, the carbon atom moves in opposite direction.
Active centre : CO2 molecule
method : Inelastic collision of N2 with CO2
: Concave reflecting mirrors are provided at both
the ends of
laser rod.
Output nature
: continuous at 10.6 micrometre
Output power : 70
K watts
Wavelength :
9.6 micron and 10.6 microns

Stretched symmetric mode (100)


Bending mode

In this mode, the oxygen atoms and carbon atom vibrate perpendicular
to the axis of the molecule.
Antisymmetric mode (001)(002)

Construction :
It consists of a
quartz discharge tube of length 5 m and 2.5 cm in diameter. The terminals of
discharge tube are connected to dc power supply. Two concave mirrors are
provided to give laser oscillations the necessary optical gain. Two Brewster
windows made up of NaCl are provided to make the output beam a polarized one.
Working :
Mixture of
gases, CO2, N2, and He are taken into the discharge tube
in appropriate proportions. When the dc supply is switched on, the nitrogen
atoms are first excited by the accelerated electrons.
e* + N2 = N2* + e
The excited
Nitrogen atoms collide with co2 atoms and resonant collision energy transfer
takes place and CO2 molecule is excited now.
N2* + Co2 = Co2*
+ N2
Among the
excited energy levels of CO2 atoms, laser transitions take place . From the asymmetric mode vibrational energy
level(001) to bending mode (020), laser emission takes place with wavelength of
9.6 μm and another laser emission of
10.6 μm is from asymmetric mode(001) to symmetric mode (100).
Advantages :
- Output of the laser is continuous
- It has high efficiency
- It has high output power
Disadvantages :
- Contamination of oxygen by CO affects laser action
- Operating temperature may influence output power
- corrosion may occur in reflecting plates.
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